Ayodhya is in the news once again. On 6th of December 2000 Prime minister Atal Behari Vajpayee made a statement on Ram Mandir Movement that created controversy and since then opposition has halted the proceedings of Parliament . All these events conincide with the eigth anniversary of demolition of Babri Masjid.One question arises why all this is happening after a long gap of 8 years. Though Prime minister's statement seems to be a well timed move but there was an inherent problem in it. The statement appeared on Wednesday, 6th December, in Uttra-bhadrapada nakshtra on Shukla Paksha Dashmi. This is a quite good day for making such statements but unfortunately the yoga was Vyatipata which is considered to be a bad and unfortunate yoga.
We will have to go back into history for knowing more about this controversy. There are few major events which should be listed here.
For astrological purpose we have to analyse few of these dates. The installation of Lord's idols were a planned move as the day suggests. It was done in Shravana , a very good nakshatra for installation the idols. Unfortunately the tithi was Chaturthi and the yoga was Vyaghaat which are not considered to be a good muhurta for auspicious activities. The time was also not chosen rightly as perhaps this was the reason that the idols were in custody for almost 36 years. Let's have a look over the horoscope of that time when the idols were installed. We will use this horoscope as the birth of Lord Rama's temple at Ram Janmabhoomi.
Virgo ascendant was rising at the time when idols were installed. Virgo has Mars and Ketu, both violent planets positioned in it. The fourth house has Sun and Mercury, the fifth house has debilitated Jupiter,Venus, and Moon, the seventh house has Rahu and the twelfth house has Saturn positioned in it . At the time of installation the vimshottari dasha of Moon was operating.
Moon Dasha :( 1949 to 1955 ) : The good thing happened in this dasha was the order of civil court of Ayodhya for continuing the daily Pooja at the distputed site.
Mars Dasha : (1955 to 1962) : Mars was badly placed in lagna and being a 3rd and 8th lord it was instrumental of worsening the situation as in 1961 Sunni Central Wokf Borad also jumped into the litigation. Situation was under control as this Mars had aspect of Jupiter
Rahu Dasha : ( 1962 to 1980 ) There was no solution of the problem at all.
Jupiter Dasha : ( 1980 to 1996) This has been a happening period as this Jupiter made the BJP a household name.With the sympathy wave of Ram Mandir BJP reached to it's zenith and eventually acquired power at centre in 1998. In 1984 there was the first meeting of Dharmasansad. On
What is stored in future ? : Jupiter has done a lot for Ram Janmabhoomi and all that can not be changed, hence it is sure the temporary structure which is stood there is quite safe. But the full structure is still far off atleast for two more years to come, and till then Ayodhya and the whole country yet to face few bad moments. According to Kurma-Chakra Ayodhya comes under Purva-Phalguni nakshatra and whenever this nakshatra comes under severe vedha of Saturn,Mars or Rahu unrest clashes and chaos would have have to happen. In the months of January-February when Saturn will be transiting through Krittika and Mars will be transiting through Vishakha, Ayodhya will be in the news again.
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