Friday, August 05, 2011

Ketu or केतु

Description :

Same as Rahu but billious disposition.



Spiritual : Moksha
Family :   Maternal Grand Father
Direction : All Directions
Tattva : Fire
Diety : Rudra

Shape : पुच्छाकार
Caste : Mixed (वर्ण शंकर)
Age :  Very Old age
Gem : Cats' Eye
Profession : Occultism (तंत्र विद्या)
Nature : Billious
Metal : अष्ट धातु 
Bhagyodaya : 48-54
Gender :Male
Season : Summer (अति ग्रीष्म ऋतु )
Guna : Tamasik
Ruling powers : Army
Taste :फीका 
Body parts : Nerves
Grains : कुल्थी

Rahu or राहु

Description :

Bluish complexion resembling s
moke, wild in bearing,intelligent and windy disposition


Skin Trouble

Spiritual : Delusion
Family :   Paternal Grand Father
Direction : South-West
Tattva : Air
Diety : Bhairava
Shape : Big
Caste : Chandal
Age : Old age
Gem : Gomedh
Profession : Flying Science (गारुड़ी विद्या)
Nature : Windy
Metal : पञ्च धातु and Lead
Bhagyodaya : 42-48
Gender :Male
Season : Cold (शिशिर)
Guna : Tamasik
Ruling powers : Army
Taste :तीखा
Body parts : Nerves
Grains : उर्द की दाल

Saturn or शनि

 Description :

Tall,lean and weak body,dark complexion,stiff hair & limbs,large teeth,lazy disposition,windy temperament,cruel nature,Tamasik inclination,lame,dark and shabby robes.


Slow moving
Low grade
Rough Speech
Old age
Directional Strength
Letters (प वर्ग)

Spiritual : Pain (दुःख)
Family :   Servant
Direction : West
Tattva : Air
Diety : Yama
Shape : Big
Caste : Shudra
Age : Old age
Gem : Neelam or Blue Sapphire
Profession : Foreign Languages
Nature : Windy
Metal : Iron
Bhagyodaya : 36-42
Gender : Eunuch
Season : Cold (शिशिर)
Guna : Tamasik
Ruling powers : Labour Class
Taste :Astringent (कसैला)
Body parts : Nerves
Grains : Seasame Seeds (तिल)

Venus or शुक्र

 Description :

Dark brown and handsome, of symmetrical limbs and dark curly hair, writer of poetry, and an amorous disposition,long arms,broad chest,excessive seminal fluid,windy and phlegmatic temperament,rajasik inclination,grace,vigour,wisdom and intelligence, and multi-coloured robes.


Urinary Tract
Truth Loving
Location in 12th house
Letter (च वर्ग)

Spiritual : Sexual Desire (कामेच्छा)
Family :   Wife
Direction : South-East
Tattva : Water
Diety : Indra
Shape : Big
Caste : Brahmin
Age : Adolescent
Gem : Heera or Diamond
Profession : Music
Nature : Phlegmatic or Cough
Metal : Silver
Bhagyodaya : 25-28
Gender : Female
Season : Spring or Vasant
Guna : Rajasik
Ruling powers : Minister or Diplomat
Taste :Sour
Body parts :Seminal Fluid
Grains : Lima Beans(सेम फली)

Jupiter or गुरु

Description :

Big belly and a fat body, pale eyes,virtuous disposition,phegmatic temperament,knowledge of scripture & sciences, satvik inclination,sharp intelligence,keenness in religious pursuits,forgiving nature and Yellow robes.

Significations : 

Thighs & Feet
Bulky body
Govt. Favours
Elder brother
Letter (त वर्ग)

Spiritual : Wisdom
Family :   Son
Direction : North-East
Tattva : Akasha
Diety : Brahma
Shape : Circle
Caste : Brahmin
Age : Middle age
Gem : Pukhraj or Yellow Sapphire
Profession : Grammar
Nature : Phlegmatic or Cough
Metal : Gold, Brass
Bhagyodaya : 16-22
Gender : Male
Season : Cold or Hemant
Guna : Sattva
Ruling powers : Royal Priest
Taste : Sweet
Body parts : Fat
Grains : Yellow Gram (पीला चना)

Monday, August 01, 2011

ग्रहों के लिए कुछ उपाय

रत्न-----------------माणिक ५-७ रत्ती ,रविवार के दिन शुक्ल पक्ष में ,दायें हाथ की अनामिका में प्रातःकाल सूर्यपूजा के बाद धारण करें.
जड़ी बूटी------------बेलपत्र की जड़,रविवार को उत्तरा-फाल्गुनी,उत्तरा-षाडा  या कृत्तिका नक्षत्र में लाल धागे में दायें बाजू में बाँधें.
दान-----------------स्वयं के वजन के बराबर गेहूं, लाल वस्त्र,लाल फल (अनार),लाल मिठाई (गुड़),सोना,गाय,तांबा, किसी ब्राह्मण को रविवार के दिन प्रातःकाल दान करें.
-"ॐ ह्रां ह्रीं ह्रौं सः सूर्याय नमः"....................(७०००).
सूर्य गायत्री----------"ॐ आदित्याय विद्महे दिवाकराय धीमहि तन्नो सूर्यः प्रचोदयात".
ष्टकम या आदित्यहृदय स्तोत्रं.
पुराण---------------हरिवंश पुराण का पाठ.
व्रत -----------------सूर्य षष्ठी ,रथ सप्तमी अथवा शुक्ल पक्ष के प्रथम रविवार से १२ या वर्ष भर.

किसी भी कार्य को प्रारंभ करने से पूर्व थोडा मीठा मुहँ में डाल कर पानी पी लें.
ताम्र पत्र में शुद्ध जल (गंगाजल इत्यादि),लाल पुष्प (गुडहल आदि),लाल चन्दन या कुषा डालकर सूर्य को
"ॐ घ्रिणी सूर्याय नमः" से अर्घ्य दें .
लाल चन्दन या केशर का तिलक लगायें.

सुर्यानर मंदिर कुम्भकोनम या सूर्य मंदिर कोणार्क की तीर्थयात्रा करें.

,सफ़ेद पुखराज या सफ़ेद ओपल.
जड़ी बूटी------------खिरनी की जड़ सोमवार को रोहिणी नक्षत्र में सफ़ेद धागे में दायें बाजू में बाँधें.
दान-----------------स्वयं के वजन के बराबर चावल,श्वेत वस्त्र,कर्पूर,सफ़ेद चन्दन,श्वेत पुष्प,चीनी,वृषभ,दही,मोती इत्यादि रोहिणी,श्रवण या हस्त नक्षत्र में.
ॐ श्रां श्रीं श्रौं सः चन्द्रमसे नमः.............................११०००
चन्द्र गायत्री --------ॐ अत्रिपुत्राय विद्महे सागरोद्भवाय धीमहि तन्नो चन्द्रः प्रचोदयात.
स्तोत्रं----------------चन्द्र अष्टविंशतिनाम स्तोत्रं, चन्द्र मंगल स्तोत्रं, कुलदेवी या कुलदेवता की पूजा.
पानी/दूध से भरा बर्तन सिरहाने रख लें और उसे सुबह उठकर कीकर की जड़ में डाल दें.
चावल,चाँदी व प्राकृतिक जल सदैव अपने पास रखें.
व्रत------------------श्रावण ,चैत्र,बैशाख या मार्गशीर्ष महीनों के प्रथम सोमवार से १६ व्रत या ५ वर्ष तक करें.
प्रातःकाल जल  में कुछ काले तिल डालकर स्नान करें.
तिरुपति बालाजी की यात्रा करें.

---मूंगा मृगशिरा नक्षत्र में या शुक्ल पक्ष के मंगलवार को धारण करें.
.........अनंतमूल की जड़ मंगलवार को मृगशिरा नक्षत्र में लाल धागे में दायें बाजू में धारण करें.
---स्वयं के वजन के बराबर लाल मक्का,मसूर दाल ,लाल फल,वस्त्र, पृथ्वी,मूंगा इत्यादि
----ॐ क्रां क्रीं क्रौं सः भौमाय नमः--------------------------------१००००
मंगल गायत्री---------------------
ॐ क्षितिपुत्र्याय विद्महे लोहितांगाय  धीमहि तन्नो भौमः प्रचोदयात.
--------ऋन्मोचन मंगल स्तोत्रं, हनुमान की पूजा.
तंदूर में लगी मीठी रोटी दान करें.
मृगछाला दान करें.
--------शुक्लपक्ष के प्रथम मंगलवार से शुरू करके २१ व्रत रखें..
मुरूग स्वामी के मंदिर मदुराई में या उज्जैन में मंगलनाथ मंदिर की यात्रा.

 रत्न--------------------पन्ना ,मर्क़ज,ऑनिक्स, ६ रत्ती बुधवार को आश्लेषा नक्षत्र में.
जड़ी-बूटी-----------------विधारा की जड़ बुधवार को आश्लेषा नक्षत्र में दायें बाजू में.
दान----------------------हरी मूंग,हरे वस्त्र,हरे फल,हरी मिठाई,कांसा,हाथी दाँत ,पन्ना इत्यादि स्वयं के वजन के बराबर.
"ॐ ब्रां ब्रीं ब्रौं सः बुधाय नमः"   १९००० बार.
बुध गायत्री---------------
"ॐ चंद्रपुत्राय विद्महे रोहिणीप्रियाय धीमहि तन्नो बुधः प्रचोदयात."
बुध पञ्चविंशतिनाम स्तोत्रं----------------------१०८ बार.
व्रत------------------------ बुधवार

कौड़ियों को आग में जलाएं और राख को उसी दिन नदी जल में प्रवाहित करें.
नाक छिदवायें.
बकरी दान करें.
छेद  वाला तांबे का सिक्का पानी में डालें.
बकरी या तोता पालें.
बहिन,बेटी,मौसी,बुआ या साली की सहायता करें.

खराज,केसरी, ९ रत्ती पुनर्वसु नक्षत्र गुरूवार.
जड़ी बूटी-------------------नारंगी,
केले की जड़,या हल्दी की गांठ,पुनर्वसु नक्षत्र में गुरूवार को दायें बाजू में.
दान------------------------चने की दाल ,पीले वस्त्र,सोना,हल्दी,पीले पुष्प अश्व इत्यादि.
"ॐ ग्रां ग्रीं ग्रौं सः गुरवे नमः"....................१६००० बार
गुरुगायत्री------------------" ॐ अन्गिरोजाताय विद्महे वाचस्पतये धीमहि तन्नो गुरु: प्रचोदयात."
-गुरुस्तोत्रम १०८ बार १६ दिन लगातार पाठ.
पीपल का वृक्ष लगायें.
धार्मिक ग्रन्थ दान करें.
दक्षिणामूर्ति की पूजा के लिए तिरुचेंदुर श्री सुब्रमन्य स्वामी देवस्थानम की यात्रा.

--हीरा,५ रत्ती, शुक्रवार भरणी नक्षत्र.
जड़ी बूटी-----------------------सरपोंखा  की जड़ सफ़ेद धागे में शुक्रवार के दिन दायें बाजू में.
दान-----------------------------चावल,चाँदी,घी,सफ़ेद वस्त्र,चन्दन,चीनी,गाय इत्यादि.
---"ॐ द्रां द्रीं द्रौं सः शुक्राय नमः"
शुक्र गायत्री ---------------------
"ॐ भृगुवंशजाताय विद्महे श्वेतवाहनाय धीमहि तन्नो कविः प्रचोदयात."
-----भृगुस्तवराज १०८ बार १६ दिन तक लगातार.
गाय की सेवा करें.
चाँदी में शुक्र यन्त्र गले में धारण करें.
श्रीरंगम में श्रीरंगनाथ स्वामी मंदिर की यात्रा.
----नीलम ,सवा पांच रत्ती पञ्च धातु शनिवार पुष्य नक्षत्र में मध्यमा में धारण करें.
जड़ी बूटी--------------------------
बिच्छूबूटी  की जड़ या शमी(छोंकर) की जड़ काले धागे में.
----काले चने,काले कपड़े,उर्द की दाल,जामुन,काली गाय,काले जूते,काले तिल,भेंस,लोहा,सरसों का तेल आदि.
-----" ॐ प्रां प्रीं प्रौं सः शनये नमः "................२३००० बार
शनि गायत्री-----------------------
" ॐ कृष्ण अंगाय विद्महे रविपुत्राय धीमहि तन्नो सौरिः प्रचोदयात."
--------शनि स्तोत्रं राजा दशरथ कृत.                 १०८ बार २१ दिन तक.

आटे की गोलियां मछलियों को खिलाएं.

तिरुनाल्लुर की यात्रा.
-गोमेद आर्द्रा नक्षत्र बुधवार या शनिवार की मध्यरात्रि में मध्यमा में.
जड़ी बूटी----------------------सफ़े
द चन्दन.
अभ्रक,तिल,तेल,नीला वस्त्र,छाग,सप्तधान्य,उर्द ,काले फूल,घोड़ा,जौ,तलवार इत्यादि.
-" ॐ भ्रां भ्रीं भ्रौं सः राहवे नमः".........................८००० बार
राहु गायत्री-------------------
" ॐ नीलवर्णाय विद्महे सेहिकैयाय धीमहि तन्नो राहु: प्रचोदयात."
---राहु स्तोत्रं     १०८ बार १८ दिन तक.  या     गजेन्द्रमोक्ष स्तोत्रं इतनी ही बार.
-दुर्गा अष्टमी

सरस्वती पूजा.
नदी जल की तेज धारा में नारियल बहायें.
जौ को गौ मूत्र में धोकर अपने पास रखें.
मूली दान करें.
बिजली उपकरण दान में न लें.
तम्बाकू का सेवन न करें.
अपने वजन के बराबर जौ दान करें.
अपने पास ठोस चाँदी से बना वर्गाकार टुकड़ा रखें.
श्री काल हस्ती मंदिर की यात्रा.

रत्न ------------------------------
----वैदूर्य, लहसुनिया,मंगलवार या अमावस्या को अश्विनी नक्षत्र में .
जड़ी बूटी-----------------------------अश्वगंधा
दान----------------------------------कस्तूरी,तिल,छाग,काला वस्त्र,ध्वज,सप्तधान्य,उरद,काला कम्बल.
बीजमंत्र------------------------------" ॐ    स्रा स्रीं स्रौँ सः केतवे नमः"............१७००० बार 
केतु गायत्री-----------------------
-" ॐ धूम्राय विद्महे कपोतवाहनाय धीमहि तन्नो केतु: प्रचोदयात."
----------केतु पञ्चविंशतिनाम स्तोत्रं     १०८ बार १७ दिन तक या गणेश स्तोत्रं, अपराजिता स्तोत्रं इतनी ही बार.
--------गणेश चतुर्थी.
बछिया दान.
गणेश पूजा.
रेशम के धागे में चाँदी का छल्ला गले में पहनें.
काला सफ़ेद कुत्ता पालें.
तिल, नीबू, केले, दान करें.
काले सफ़ेद तिल बहते पानी में बहायें.

रामेश्वरम की यात्रा करें.

गणेश मंदिर का निर्माण कराएँ.

विजय वासुदेव आचार्य
श्रावण  शुक्ल पक्ष द्वितीया तिथि  संवत 2068

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Guru on Guru

Happy Guru Poornima to all of you.
Let me quote Swami Shivananda Saraswati on this auspicious occasion of Guru Poornima which falls on 18th July this year.


Sankaram Sankaracharyam Kesavam Badarayanam;
Sutra-Bhashya-Kritau Vande Bhagavantau Punah Punah

I adore Lord Siva, Lord Vishnu, Bhagavan Vyasa and Sri Sankaracharya. I again and again prostrate to Sri Vyasa who wrote the Vedanta Sutras, and to Sri Sankaracharya who wrote the commentaries thereon (Guru Vandanam).

The full-moon day in the month of Ashada is the extremely auspicious and holy day of
Guru-Purnima. On this Ashada Purnima Day, sacred to the memory of the great sage Sri Vyasa Bhagavan or Sri Krishna Dvaipayana, Sannyasins settle at some place to study, do Vedantic Vichara, and discourse on the thrice-blessed Brahma Sutras composed by Maharshi Vyasa. Sri Veda-Vyasa has done unforgettable service to all humanity for all time by editing the four Vedas,writing the eighteen Puranas, the Mahabharata and the Bhagavata. We can attempt to repay this deep debt of gratitude we owe him only by constant study of his works and practice of his teachings imparted for the regeneration of humanity in the iron age or Kali Yuga. In honour of this divine personage, all Sadhakas and devotees perform Vyasa Puja on this day; aspirants worship their Guru. Mahatmas and Sadhus are honoured and entertained, and acts of charity done by all Grihasthis
with deep faith and sincerity. Chaturmasa for Sannyasins begins from this day. Sannyasins stay in one place during the rainy season for four months, study the Brahma Sutras, and practice meditation.

Ashada Purnima heralds the Chaturmasa,or the setting in of the eagerly awaited rains. The water, drawn up and stored as clouds in the hot summer, now manifests in plentiful showers that usher in the advent of fresh life everywhere. Even so do you all begin seriously to put into actual working all the theory and philosophy that you have stored up in you through patient study. Commence practical spiritual Sadhana right from this day.Generate fresh waves of spirituality. Let all that you have read, heard, seen and learnt become,through Sadhana, transformed into a continuous outpouring of universal love, ceaseless loving service and continuous prayer and worship of the Lord seated in all beings.Live on milk and fruits on this day and practise rigorous Japa and Dhyana. Study the Brahma Sutras and do some lakhs of Japa (Anushthana or Purascharana) of your Guru Mantra or Ishta Mantra, during the Chaturmasa. You will be highly benefited.
As the day of Guru-Puja or worship of one’s preceptor this is a day of pure joy to the sincere aspirant. Thrilled by the expectation of offering his reverent homage to the beloved Guru, aspirant awaits this occasion with eagerness and devotion. It is the Guru alone that breaks the binding cords of attachment and releases the aspirant from the trammels of earthly existence.

The Shruti says: “To that high-souled aspirant, whose devotion to the Lord is great and whose devotion to his Guru is as great as that to the Lord, these secrets explained, become illuminated.” Guru is Brahman or Isvara Himself. He guides and inspires you from the innermost core of your being. He is everywhere.


Have a new angle of vision. Behold the entire universe as Guru-Svarupa. See the guiding
hand, the awakening voice, the illumining touch of the Guru in every object in this Creation. The whole world will now stand transformed before your changed vision. The Virat Guru will reveal all the precious secrets of life and bestow wisdom. The Supreme Guru, manifest in visible Nature, will teach you the most valuable lessons of life. Worship daily this Guru of Gurus, the Guru who taught even Avadhuta Dattatreya. The silent all-enduring earth with its lofty forbearance, the shady fruit-bearing tree with its willing self-sacrifice, the mighty Banyan tree (Pipal) reposing with patience in the tiny seed, the dripping drops whose persistence wears away the rocks, the planets and the seasons with their orderly punctuality and regularity are divine Gurus to him who will look,listen and receive.


Become a personification of receptivity. Empty yourself of your petty ego-sense. All the
treasures locked up in the bosom of Nature will become yours! You will have progress and perfection in an amazingly short time. Become pure and unattached as the mountain breeze. As the river flows continuously, steadily and constantly towards its goal, the ocean, by moving every moment of your life towards the Supreme State of Existence-Knowledge-Bliss, let all your thoughts, all your words, all your actions be directed only towards the Goal.The moon shines by reflecting the dazzling light of the sun. It is the full-moon of Purnima-Day that reflects in full splendour the glorious light of the sun. It glorifies the sun. Purify yourself through the fire of service and Sadhana, and like the full moon, reflect the glorious Light of the Atman. Become the full reflectors of Brahmic splendour, the Light of lights. Make this your goal, to become a living witness to Divinity, the brilliant Sun of suns!Brahman or the Supreme Self alone is real. He is the Soul of all. He is All in all. He is the Essence of this universe. He is the Unity that never admits of a duality under all the varieties and diversities of nature. Thou art this immortal, all-pervading, all-blissful Brahman. Thou art That—Tat Tvam Asi. Realise this and be free.

Remember the four important verses of the Brahma Sutras: (i) Atha-Ato
Brahma-Jijnasa—Now, therefore, the enquiry into Brahman. (ii) Janmadyasya Yatah—From which proceed the origin, etc. (iii) Sastra-Yonitvat—The scriptures being the means of right knowledge. (iv) Tat Tu Samanvayat—But that because It is the main support.

Now sing:

Jaya Guru Siva Guru Hari Guru Ram,
Jagad-Guru Param Guru Sat-Guru Syam.

Remember and adore Sri Vyasa and the Brahma-Vidya Gurus. May their blessings be upon you all! May you all cut asunder the knot of Avidya and shine as blessed Jivanmuktas, shedding peace, joy and light everywhere!

Download his book Guru tattva from here.


Monday, April 07, 2008

Panchanga of fortnight 7th to 20th April 2008

ॐ ॥Shri Samvatsar 2065 Vikrami Chaitra Shukla Pratipada, Monday।। ॐ

April 7 : Monday Tithi Prathama till 6.09.04 , thereafter Dwitiya till 26.43.38.Moon in Aries (Mesha) Hindu's new year begins with Having fasts for Goddess Durga.Nakshatra Ashwini till 18.32.23.Ashwini nakshatra is good for rash actions, things related to fire and agriculture.

April 8 : Tuesday.Tritiya till 23.19.Nakshatra Bharani till 15.53.35, thereafter Krittika.Moon enters into Vrishabha (Taurus) at 21.14.39.Mars enters into Punarvasu nakshatra at 8.23,Mercury into Revati at 15.13. Matsaya Jayanti. Bharani nakshatra is also good for rash actions and for competitions etc.

April 9: Wednesday.Chaturthi till 20.05.25.Krittika till 13.22.08, thereafter Rohini.Moon remains in Vrishabha (Taurus). Bhadra or Vishti karana from 9.40 to 20.06.Krittika is also good for rash action, doing homam or yagnyas and working with metals.

April 10 : Thursday. Panchami till 17.10.58,Rohini till 11.07.29, thereafter Mrigshira nakshatra. Moon enter into Mithuna ( Gemini) at 22.09.01.Mrigshira nakshatra is good for all auspicious actions.

April 11: Friday.Shasthi till 14.43.04. Mrigshira nakshatra till 09.17.35 thereafter Ardra.Moon remains in Mithuna (Gemini).Skanda Shasthi.Ardra is good for controlling enemies.

April 12 : Saturday.Saptami till 12.46.46.Ardra till 07.58.13 thereafter Punarvasu.Moon enters into Karka (Cancer) at 25.20.53.Bhadra from 12.47 to 24.02.Punarvasu is good for all auspicious actions,travel etc. and also good for improving one's health

April 13 : Sunday. Ashtami till 11.25.15.Punarvasu till 7.12.49 thereafter Pushya.Moon remains in Karka (Cancer).Sun enter into Mesha (Aries) at 18.28.49.Samkranti punyakaal from 12.05.Pushya is good for things related to improving the health.Good for all auspicious actions except for marriage.

April 14 : Monday.Navami till 10.38.52.Pushya till 07.02.16, thereafter Ashlesha.Moon remain in Karka (Cancer).Mercury into Mesha at 29.49.37.Venus enters into Revati at 26.03.32. Shri Ram Navami.Fasting for Navaratras ends today.Ashlesha is good for fierce competition.Things related to poison,chemicals and medicines.

April 15 : Tuesday.Dashami till 10.26.13.Ashlesha till 07.25.12. thereafter Magha.Moon enters into Simha (Leo) at 7.25.12.Bhadra starts from 22.32.Vyatopaat from 21.05 to 25.15.Magha is good for hazardous undertakings.

April 16 : Wednesday.Ekadashi till 10.44.21.Magha till 08.18.40 thereafter Purva-Phalguni.Moon remains in Simha (Leo).Bhadra till 10.44. Kamada Ekadashi Vritam.P-phalguni is good for construction and warlike acts.Avoid oil baths and travel.

April 17 : Thursday.Dwadashi till 11.29.38. Purva-Phalguni till 09.39.Thereafter Uttara-Phalguni. Moon enters into Kanya (Virgo) at 16.02.45.Pradosha Vritam.Ashok Trayodashi,Anang Trayodashi.U-phalguni is good for marriage and new beginings.

April 18 : Friday.Trayodashi till 12.38.29.Uttara-Phalguni till 11.22.21.Moon remains in Kanya (Virgo).Shri Mahaveer Jayanti (Jainism).Hasta is good for marriage,travel, and installation of essential objects.

April 19 : Saturday.Chaturdashi till 14.07.52..Hasta nakshatra till 13.25.46.Moon enters into Tula (Libra) at 26.34.09. Bhadra from 14.08 to 26.59.Chitra is good for remedies and for sacred ceremonies.Marriage is also considered good.

April 20 : Sunday.Poornima till 15.55.16. Chitra till 15.46.39. Moon remains in Tula (Libra).Sacred bathing ceremony for the month of Baishakha starts from today.Good for religious activites, also good for marriage

Marriage Muhurta for this fortnight April 17,18,19,20

Note : New Delhi India is the location for this panchanga.All timings are given in I.S.T. 24 hours time format.Timings where exceeds beyond 24, that means event is taking place after midnight but before the next sunrise i.e 26.34 means 2 hours 34 minutes after midnight.In traditional indian wisdom day is counted from one sunrise to next sunrise and does not change at midnight.

Sunday, April 06, 2008

Excerpts from Different Sources

'A master said : " Before one studies Zen the mountains are mountains and the waters waters to him.If, however,he gets an insights into the truth of Zen though the instructions of a good master, then to him the mountains are no more mountains and the water no more waters; but later on when he has really reached the abode of peace(i.e. when he has attained satori), the mountains are again mountains to him and the waters waters!"'

(D.T.Suzuki: Essays in Zen Buddhism, Vol. 1, P.12 )

Mercury or बुध


Slim and beautiful body,Large reddish eyes,Dark and green complexion,Healthy skin,Medium height,Clear and witty speach,Expression with multiple meanings,Rajasik inclination,Plenty of energy,Bile,wind & phlegm all in his disposition,Green Robes


Respiratory canal
Quick results
Early marriage
Skin trouble
Literary activities
Letters (T Varga)

Caste : Vaishya
Family : Cousins
Spiritual: Speech, Vaani
Direction: North
Tattva : Earth
Diety : Vishnu
Shape: Circular
Age: Adolescent
Gem : Green Emerald
Vidya : Architecture, Shilpa
Ayurvedic Nature : Tridosha
Metal : Bronze
Bhagyodaya : 32-36 years
Gender : Neutral
Season : Autumn, Sharad
Guna : Rajoguna
Royal : Heir to the throne, Yuvraj
Taste : Mixes
Body part : Skin
Grains: Moong Beans

Saturday, April 05, 2008

My Spiritual Guru

16 years has gone.16th March 1992 Monday, destiny had snatched my spiritual guru,my maternal grand father,away from me.He was Rahu's gift for me.Almost entire mahadasha of Rahu he guided me through his amazing knowledge on scriptures specially his commendable grip over Mahabharata. In the mahadasha of Rahu and the antardasha of Rahu and Jupiter he injected whole of the mahabharata into my sub-conscious mind.I was hardly 5-6 years then.He was a amazing personality, an authority on Mahabharata, and spiritually evolved soul.He was unparalleled during his times.Even today I am unable to find a man like him around me.I can not imagine my spiritual journey without his initial assistance.It was he who recognized my spiritual tendencies early on, and predicted to my mother that I was going to excel in this field.His death was irreparable loss to me.

Mars or मंगल


Fierce red eyes,Short stature,Tough and youthful body,Fickle but generous disposition,Short but shining and curly hairs,Valorous nature,Tamasik Inclination,Eagarness to hurt,Easy excitability,Billious disposition,Fair complexion.


Accident death
Letters (Ka Varga)
Gun shots
Quick results
Diseases of short duration

Caste: Kshatriya
Family: Siblings
Spiritual: Essence
Direction: South
Tattva: Fire
Diety: Kartikeya
Shape: Rectange : Chatushkona
Age: Youth
Gem: Red Coral
Vidya: Arms : Shashtra Vidya
Nature: Billious
Metal: Copper
Bhagyodaya: 28-32 years
Gender: Male
Season: Summer
Guna: Tamasik
Royal : Commander in Chief
Taste: Bitter
Body part: Bone marrow
Grains: Dal Masoor

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

What will be the fate & future of the New POPE?

New Pope Benedict XVI has been elected on 19th April 2005, 17:50 Local Time at Vatican.

He was born on 16th April 1927, 4:15 MET Marktl (48 N 15 / 12 E 51) Germany.

We will try to understand the impact and the fate of new pope with the help of this data.

He was born when Aquarius ascendant was rising on eastern horizon.Aquarius being a philosophical sign makes him a great teacher, writer and lecturer. He is generous hearted, highly sympathetic, intelligent, posses good memory and capable of dealing with facts. He is reserved and peevish when provoked.

Jupiter is placed in lagna aspected by Rahu from 5th house. Jupiter also has affected by the presence of Venus and Saturn in Kendra's (angular houses) from lagna and as well as from Jupiter itself. Jupiter's placement in lagna makes him a strict religious man who follows his religion with lot of faith and conviction.

Jupiter gives him a magnetic personality. An optimistic spirit, and jovial nature is indicated in his personality.

Self-indulgence especially in regard to gluttony will effect health.

Rahu's aspect over this Jupiter makes him inclined towards occult sciences but a hypocritical super-consciousness towards other religions is also likely to happen.

The health will be generally unsatisfactory. He may likely to go through for treatment other than by medical methods.

Rahu's aspect over lagna makes him appear rather odd and eccentric.

His three planets including lagna lord Saturn are placed in fixed signs make him a fixed, determined and conservative personality.

His ascendant lord Saturn placed in Scorpio in 10th house, the house of achievements and fame exalted him to the highest office in Roman Catholic hierarchy .

As Saturn is retrograde in a deep mystical sign Scorpio, it is very tough for ordinary man to understand his mind and his intentions.

His intentions may be shrouded in mystery and covered with lots of smart wit and intellect.

Look at his first speech after he become Pope

"After the great Pope John Paul II, the Lord Cardinals have elected me, a simple and humble worker in the vineyard of the Lord. I am consoled by the fact that the Lord knows how to act, even with inadequate instruments and above all I entrust myself to your prayers. In the joy of the Risen Lord, trusting in His permanent help, as we go forward the Lord will help us, and His Mother, Mary Most Holy, is on our side Thank you."

You will find conviction, and faith towards his religion in this speech, but you will be surprised to see the words 'simple and humble worker' as he is not a simple and humble man, astrology reveals. A man who has such conviction and determination of Aquarius sign used Jupiter's wisdom and Rahu's hypocrisy to portray himself as a 'simple and humble worker'. This is what Rahu can do to one's personality. If only Jupiter were there in his ascendant without Rahu's aspect he would not be a conservative but traditional and unsympathetic towards other faiths but real upholder of justice and equality and as well as empathy.

I wish to emphasize on his words in millennium peace summit in 2000.

He said the followers of non-Christian religion will not get salvation because they do not consider Jesus Christ to be the only son of God. He also said that there are several shortcomings in non-Catholic religions because they do not consider the Pope to be their leader.

Now you can very well understand the impact of Rahu over his thinking and personality.

Venus is his 4th house in own sign made him a accomplished pianist. Moon in Virgo aspected by Mars and Mercury providing him an analytical and thought-provoking mind with which he may use facts and logic to denounce other's ideas aggressively. He is intelligent and smart and you can not criticize him without going deep into his psyche and ideas .At once he may silence you with his sharp intellect in case you are not prepared with the armory of facts yourself.

Sun in 3rd house makes him a courageous man who is not afraid of taking bold steps. He cares a damn for criticism and opposition. He is a brave man with strong convictions and deliberate will. He is blunt and quite passionate about his kind of truth. Mercury in 2nd house makes him a emotional as well as thought-provoking speaker. he is fluent in many languages owing to good influence of this Mercury.

Ketu in 11th house in the sign of Jupiter makes him somewhat unsympathetic and stubborn with his ideas.

Mars and Rahu in 5th house will not provide him good friends and trusted lieutenants. He may be mistaken by others and may suffer from colic pains. People will find him a hard-hearted man.

Till the age of 28 he had not been passing through the good dasha at all. During World War II he was forced to join the auxiliary anti-aircraft service, but deserted. He was subsequently imprisoned in an Allied POW camp until the end of the war. That time he was passing through the dasha of Saturn in Rahu. Saturn and Rahu making shadashataka (6th/8th) relationship and Saturn also placed in an inimical sign but he survived as Saturn is placed in 10th house.

In Rahu-Ketu he began studies in philosophy and theology at the University of Munich. Look at the Ketu who is posited in the sign of Jupiter the planet of philosophy and Ketu itself a planet for theology. He was ordained as a priest in Rahu-Sun. Sun is exalted and placed 11th from Rahu and 3rd from Ascendant.

As soon as he entered into the dasha of Jupiter he obtained his doctorate in theology. Now his good dasha had been started and he never looked back after that. During Jupiter's dasha from 1953 to 1969 he was into teaching and lecturing quite away from a secret mission to prove Christianity superior to other faiths.

His Saturn dasha began in 1969 and for half of this dasha he was into teaching only. He got two breakthroughs during Saturn dasha, one came in 1969 in Saturn-Saturn when he became a professor of dogmatic theology and of the history of dogma, the second breakthrough came in Saturn-Venus his yogakarka planet and well placed in it's own sign when he was appointed the archbishop of Munich and was also elevated to the post of cardinal during same dasha. During the whole dasha of Saturn he was not very vocal but was preparing himself for his secret mission .Once again look at the Saturn in Scorpio.

Since 1998 he has been passing through the dasha of Mercury maturing as a good speaker and stimulating conversationalist out-witting his opponents. He was elected Vice Dean of the College of Cardinals In Mercury-Rahu and elevated to the post of Dean in Mercury-Jupiter. His secret mission has been realized when he became Pope in Mercury-Saturn for which he was preparing himself from 1972 the phase of Saturn-Mercury.

Soon he is going to enter into the mahadasha of Ketu from November 2005.During this dasha his approach will be uncompromising and unyielding. He will try to execute his ideas with lots of conviction and without being perturbed by the criticism. In that way his reign will be contrary to his predecessor's. He will widely be criticized and opposed for his ideas from inside and outside. Ketu's transition from his moon until September 2006 may spoil his health and a surgery of urinary tract can not complete be ruled out. He will be able to handle technological advancement well as Ketu is well placed in chart and known for it's brilliancy and efficiency.

Let's have look over Sub-periods in Ketu.

Ketu (Nov 2005 -April 2006) --bad for health

Venus (April 2006-June 2007)--OK,known for charitable causes and harmony

Sun (June 2007-Oct 2007)--Good and strong phase, fame is there.

Moon (Oct 2007-May 2008)--Manageable phase but emotional disturbances are there.

Mars (May 2008-Oct 2008)--Bad Phase for health and opposition

Rahu (Oct 2008- Nov 2009)--Bad phase for health and rebellions will dominate.

Jupiter (Nov 2009- Oct 2010)--Mediocre to good.

Saturn (Oct 2010- Nov 2011)--Bad phase as he will be widely criticized.

Mercury (Nov 2011-Nov 2012)--OK phase.

The first half of Ketu dasha will be good except few health problems. The sub-periods of Ketu, Venus, Sun and Moon will be good to average except few health problems. But following sub-periods of Mars and Rahu will disturb him a lot and serious health problems can not be ruled out.

If he passes ketu's second half well only then his reign can be remembered as Venus dasha will be known for charitable causes, but that is highly unlikely in this case.

According to the horoscope at the time when he was elected Pope ,Virgo lagna was rising with retrograde Jupiter and Ketu in it.

This shows that he aggressively and uncompromisingly will execute his ideas will work towards the enforcement of Church doctrine.

He will continue to be against multiculturalism and will regard other religions as deficient.

The nakshatra was Magha and Tithi was Shukla Ekadashi. Nakshatra is not very conducive for election as it is recommended for wars and other hazardous undertaking, but the Tithi is balancing this out as it is recommended for observing vows and other divine festivals.

Health and opponents will disturb him a lot as Saturn being a 6th lord placed in 10th house.

He will make more enemies than his predecessor.

Venus is combust and placed in 8th house and this will make him unsympathetic towards women. He will be stick to his views that ban on women priests is necessary to safeguard doctrine. Even on homo-sexuality and gay marriages he will stick to his earlier stand owing to 8th house Venus.

Published on :21/04/2005- Acharya Vasudev


Will Bollywood King Shahrukh Khan ever win an OSCAR?-

Shahrukh Khan is the undisputed king of Bollywood. In last 15 years he has been reigning there with much more hit films than anyone else in this film industry. Let's examine what astrology has to say about him and also try to find out an answer whether he may bring an Oscar for India or not?

Shahrukh was born when Leo ascendant was rising. Ascendant Lord Sun is placed in 3rd house, the house of courage, makes him a courageous man who can take risks and can do a tons of hard work. His moon sign is Capricorn also helps him in this. This position of Sun is one of the strongest position in his horoscope as Sun gets his neech bhang yoga with the support of Mars. Whatever he has achieved so far has come from this position of Sun.

Another highlight of his horoscope is the presence of four malefic planets in three angular houses(kendras) other than the ascendant.

Mars, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu all are placed in his Kendra houses. Mars being a yogkaraka for him and Saturn being a Kendra lord and hence ceased to be malefic and apart from this both Rahu and Ketu are exalted in his horoscope make him a undisputed king of Bollywood. He is blessed with all four qualities of a king Saam, Daam, Danda, and Bheda. In prima facie his horoscope looks to be an ordinary one but a careful look will lead you to a horoscope which is blessed with many rajyogas.

Let's have a look on few rajyogas present in his horoscope.

Musala Yoga :-When lagna is in a fixed sign and several planets also in fixed signs, than the effect of this yoga can be felt.

This yoga makes him proud, learned, wealthy, liked by ruler, famous, of stable nature and blessed with good children. He is trustworthy, has stability and durability, is fixed and determined. However he might be obstinate, and unable to take quick decisions and might have difficulty in adapting to change.

Ruchaka Yoga:-When Mars in a Kendra, exalted or in own sign.

This yoga makes him prominent, bold and courageous, full of strength and vigour, and eager to pursue adventurous activities wherefrom name and fame is gained. He is , of royal bearing and ever intent on combat and annihilator of opponents. This yoga helped him a lot to climb the top of the ladder.

These two yogas are a drop in the ocean. There are several others like Shasha Yoga, Durdhara, Veshi, Amala, Parvata, neech-bhanga rajyoga and so on..

Here I wish to add few notes on Rahu, who is exalted and placed in 10th house of name and fame. The credit for lots of achievements he has made in life goes to Rahu. Let me quote the great Dr. B V Raman on Rahu in 10th house.

" There is a tendency to lusts after widows. He will be skilled artist with a flair of poetry and literature. He travels widely and is learned. He will be famous and will engage in business. He will have limited issues. Bold and somewhat adventurous he commits many sins."

I would not like to comment on this quote and leave everything for you to interpret the meaning yourself.

He got his big break in Bollywood when he was passing through the antardasha of MARS his yogkaraka planet and the mahadasha of this same planet Rahu. Soon after he entered into the 16 year mahadasha of Jupiter and getting everything from him name, fame, wealth and honour , absolutely everything one desires for.

After 15 years in Bollywood he is again on the verge of same breakthrough he got 15 years ago, as he has been going to pass through the antardasha of Mars and Rahu in the mahadasha of Jupiter. Mars in Jupiter is running since Nov 2004 and Rahu is approaching fast and will be started from OCT 2005.This dasha will be running for 2 years and 5 months. Before going further I wish to emphasize here that in the next dasha of Saturn I don't expect much as Saturn also has his share of problems he has to face. But Jupiter is not going to end without a bang.

Though Rahu is placed 12th from Jupiter hence may give him few health and home problems but being in 10th from Lagna he is entitled to hog the limelight once again in his career. He is on verge of his second breakthrough, be it in politics or in international fame like getting Oscar to India. He is quite capable of both and in atleast one he will attract limelight, but wherever he goes he will remain a king, that is for sure. I am clearly foreseeing international fame in next few years for Shah Rukh Khan. We wish him good luck for future.!

Published on :19/04/2005- Acharya Vasudev


Kashmir, Ceasefire,and Repurcussions

Hearunder we are analysing the future of Prime minister's declaration of ceasefire in Jammu and Kashmir during the holy month of Ramazan. Prime-minister declares this ceasefire on 19th November, the day of Sunday, when the nakshatra was Magha and the tithi was Krishna Paksha Navami. The nakshatra Magha doesn't promote peace making activities, rather it is very conducive for wars and other hazardous undertakings.

The navami tithi is also good for debating,competing ,excersing,gambling and for taking other risks. Our vedic seers insight into Muhurta or electional astrology only declares the failure of this cease-fire.

Let's have a look into Kashmir history after independence.Maharaja Hari Singh signed instruments of accession with indian government on 26th October 1947.The ruling sign of Kashmir Libra was heavily afflicted by debilitated Sun,Mars, Saturn and retrograde Mercury. Signing the important papers during the retrogression of Mercury is never considered to be a good idea. Mercury became retrograde on 25th October 1947 and Maharaja Hari Singh signed the paper on 26th, the next day and subsequently it triggered major problems between both the countries India and Pakistan.

If we consider 26th October 1947, the day when Kashmir was included in Indian territory, we may have clear insight about Kashmir problem.Moon is posited in Aquarius. Ninth and sixth houses are heavily afflicted not showing any sign of peace.There is an exchange between Saturn and Moon, quite indicative of depressive scene.

According to Kurma-chakra Kashmir is ruled by Purva-Bhadrapada Nakshatra which is under vedh of Mars nowadays. This again increasing danger for Kashmir. We should be alert at our borders. The transit of Mars through the Libra (Between 13th December to 2nd February), which is the ruling sign of Kashmir again a bell of danger. It would be impossible task to maintain peace in the valley. As we know that in Mundane astrology Mars is considered to be a violent planet and triggers wars, natural calamities and bloodsheds etc. specifically when it is afflicted by Saturn and Rahu. The same is the story here, as Mars is going to make a shadashtaka yoga (6/8 inimical relationship) with Saturn during his stay in Libra. Every indication is negative for peace as far as mundane astrology is concerned. So we should keep our fingers crossed and pray for the peace in the valley.May god listen to peacekeepers.

Acharya Vasudev

Published on 22/11/2000 on

Monday, March 24, 2008

Ayodhya,Ram Janma Bhoomi and Controversy

Ayodhya is in the news once again. On 6th of December 2000 Prime minister Atal Behari Vajpayee made a statement on Ram Mandir Movement that created controversy and since then opposition has halted the proceedings of Parliament . All these events conincide with the eigth anniversary of demolition of Babri Masjid.One question arises why all this is happening after a long gap of 8 years. Though Prime minister's statement seems to be a well timed move but there was an inherent problem in it. The statement appeared on Wednesday, 6th December, in Uttra-bhadrapada nakshtra on Shukla Paksha Dashmi. This is a quite good day for making such statements but unfortunately the yoga was Vyatipata which is considered to be a bad and unfortunate yoga.

We will have to go back into history for knowing more about this controversy. There are few major events which should be listed here.

22/12/1949 : Installation of Lord's Idols in the Mosque

23/12/1949 : Three men arreted by police in connection with this case.

26/12/1949 : The then City Magistrate Gurudutt Singh confiscated the disputed site.

01/02/1986 : The locks of Rama Temple were opened

09/11/1989 : The ceremony of Shilanyas

25/09/1991 : L.K.Advani started his Rathyatra.

23/10/1990 : L.K.Advani was arrested in Bihar.

02/11/1990 : Many Kar-sewaks died in police-firing at disputed site.

21/11/1991 : V.H.P started symbolic Karsewa.

09/07/1992 : Construction started at the site.

06/12/1992 : Demolition of Masjid.

06/12/1992 : Reinstallation of Idols and temporary structure of temple started to be constructed in the night.

For astrological purpose we have to analyse few of these dates. The installation of Lord's idols were a planned move as the day suggests. It was done in Shravana , a very good nakshatra for installation the idols. Unfortunately the tithi was Chaturthi and the yoga was Vyaghaat which are not considered to be a good muhurta for auspicious activities. The time was also not chosen rightly as perhaps this was the reason that the idols were in custody for almost 36 years. Let's have a look over the horoscope of that time when the idols were installed. We will use this horoscope as the birth of Lord Rama's temple at Ram Janmabhoomi.

Virgo ascendant was rising at the time when idols were installed. Virgo has Mars and Ketu, both violent planets positioned in it. The fourth house has Sun and Mercury, the fifth house has debilitated Jupiter,Venus, and Moon, the seventh house has Rahu and the twelfth house has Saturn positioned in it . At the time of installation the vimshottari dasha of Moon was operating.

Moon Dasha :( 1949 to 1955 ) : The good thing happened in this dasha was the order of civil court of Ayodhya for continuing the daily Pooja at the distputed site.

Mars Dasha : (1955 to 1962) : Mars was badly placed in lagna and being a 3rd and 8th lord it was instrumental of worsening the situation as in 1961 Sunni Central Wokf Borad also jumped into the litigation. Situation was under control as this Mars had aspect of Jupiter

Rahu Dasha : ( 1962 to 1980 ) There was no solution of the problem at all.

Jupiter Dasha : ( 1980 to 1996) This has been a happening period as this Jupiter made the BJP a household name.With the sympathy wave of Ram Mandir BJP reached to it's zenith and eventually acquired power at centre in 1998. In 1984 there was the first meeting of Dharmasansad. On 1/2/1986 court orderd to open the locks of Ram Janambhoomi. This was only possible because of benefic Jupiter as this Jupiter was placed in the fifth house with Yogkarka Venus and Moon. The dasha was running Jupiter-Mercury which was instrumental in opening the locks of Janmabhoomi. On 09/11/1989 when Jupiter-Venus was in progress VHP had been succesful in doing the Shilanyas ceremony. BJP used this dasha for broadening it's base in masses by playing with the emotional sentiments of hindus. L.K.Advani went for his countywide Rathytra during this period and was arrested in Bihar on 23/10/1990. Many Karsewakas died in police firing in Ayodhya on 02/11/1990. All these events happened in Jupiter-Venus. In Jupiter-Sun on 24/6/1991 Kalyan Singh became the chief minister of UP. On 06/02/1992 when Jupiter-Moon was in progress Mosque was demolished and There was made a temporary structure of Mandir. We have to throw more light on that day's muhurta.

06/02/1992 : The day was Sunday, the tithi was Shukla Paksha Dwadashi and the nakshatra was Ashwini. Everything was right and well planned except what had had to happened. The problem was that the Jupiter-Mars dasha was about to start 07/12/1992 onwards. The whole country was under communal clashes and this all was destined as we can easily make out from the horoscope of the day when the idols were installed in 1949.

What is stored in future ? : Jupiter has done a lot for Ram Janmabhoomi and all that can not be changed, hence it is sure the temporary structure which is stood there is quite safe. But the full structure is still far off atleast for two more years to come, and till then Ayodhya and the whole country yet to face few bad moments. According to Kurma-Chakra Ayodhya comes under Purva-Phalguni nakshatra and whenever this nakshatra comes under severe vedha of Saturn,Mars or Rahu unrest clashes and chaos would have have to happen. In the months of January-February when Saturn will be transiting through Krittika and Mars will be transiting through Vishakha, Ayodhya will be in the news again.

Published on on 15/12/2000

Gulf War and Beyond.........

America attacked Iraq with the sole purpose of destroying Saddam.Bush Junior is adamant to achieve what his father could not.Whether he will be succeeded or not, analyzed here astrologically.

In the early hours when Aquarius ascendant was rising at Baghdad , Bush ordered to eliminate Saddam. Soon thereafter Allies countries started to hurl Tomahawk Cruise missiles towards Iraq.

Aquarius rising is not a good omen for Iraq as it is the 8th house from Iraq’s ascendant which happens to be the Cancer.The attacker Bush and Company is represented by Saturn the Ascendant as well as 12th lord, whereas Saddam is represented by Sun the 7th lord.Interestingly both these planets are well placed in the chart. Saturn by his position in the kendra in the friendly sign with his friend Rahu, while Sun is aspected by Jupiter and placed in jupiterian sign too.Thanks to Jupiter Saddam is receiving so much support worldwide.

War is going to end within two to four weeks, as Sun is placed next to Ascendant and Saturn in the 4th house, and both are strong. For the outcome of war 7th,11th and 14th April are important dates. Saturn’s transit into Gemini on 7th is most crucial one as he will aspect both Sun and Mars from there.US and allied forces may catch hold of Saddam before 11th of April.But with his Luck and the famous double he may survive as on 11th April he may leave his country and may get political asylum in a friendly country.Why after 11th ? Because Mars is going out into Capricorn in the 12th house, being exalted and aspected by an exalted Jupiter He will be safe wherever he may be. The remaining work will be completed by Sun moving into Aries and the safety of Saddam will be asertained.The only question is to survive between 7th and 11th of April.The one thing is sure Bush and Company may destroy Iraq but can not destroy the spirit and soul of a brave soldier.

Let’s have a look into Iraq’s horoscope.Iraq has Cancer rising and been passing through the sub period of Mercury in the major period of Saturn till May 2004. Saturn and Mercury both are aspected by his fierce enemy Mars from the 10th house, indicating the humiliation of otherwise brave country.Mercury, indicating economy and Saturn indicating it’s rich heritage, both are going to fell into dire state.

Let’s have a look over US horoscope as well.Right now US is passing through the sub-period of Jupiter in the major period of Moon.Moon and Jupiter both are well placed to each other making one successful in one’s ventures.This phase ends in June and the sub-period of Saturn starts thereafter.Both Moon and Saturn are badly placed from each other.They are making Shadashtaka relationship.This phase is devoid of happiness and indicating lots of internal as well as external fights and dangers.US may drag itself into a big warlike situation which may get out of control.

May God give wisdom to Bush and Saddam and save Iraq from destruction.

(Written on 22/03/2003)